I've found the SCCM built in method of making a USB pen to be quite unreliable so I opt for the manual method.
Just a few heads up first:
- I'd recommend at least an 8GB drive but in reality your build (if corporate) will eventually exceed this.
- The pen will be totally wiped clean - all data will be lost.
- Open command prompt
- Type diskpart and press enter
- Type list disk and press enter
- Find your disk in the list
- Type select disk * (* being your number)
- Type clean and press enter - you should see "DiskPart succeeded in cleaning the disk."
- Type create partition primary and press enter - you should see "DiskPart succeeded in creating the specified partition."
- Type select partition 1 and press enter - you should see "Partition 1 is now the selected partition."
- Type active and press enter - you should see "DiskPart Marked the current partition as active."
- Type assign and press enter - you should see "DiskPart successfully assigned a drive letter ..."
- Type detail disk and press enter. For this example we will work with a drive letter "U" for USB
- Type exit to leave the Diskpart command and return to a standard prompt
We are still using a drive letter "U:" so we want to type:
Enter a label for the drive - this is how it will show in "Computer"
I copy the files manually - it works - but if you want to do it "properly" use this command:
In command prompt navigate to the location of your build files - this is what would have been extracted from the ISO that was produced in SCCM when you "Created Removable Media" from the OSD task sequence - if you need a guide on this mail me or leave a comment...
Type xcopy
With our extracted ISO in C:\Win7Build and our pen being U:\ This would look like:
Type xcopy c:\Win7Build\*.* /s/e/f U:\
Don't forget you may/will need to adjust the boot order in the BIOS to accommodate booting from USB - you can find a guide here: http://bit.ly/TvndIW